Remember how you learned to ride a bicycle? You didn’t learn by reading a manual. You got on the bicycle, tried your best, swerved, fell down, got right back up again. And then the moment of truth arrived: you could ride.
Our Life Skills Programs are taught in a similar way (without the bumps and bruises!). It’s more about coaching than teaching, more like a conversation, than a lecture. While conventional methods focus on content (adding facts and rules to our knowledge), our method deals with context – the framework in which content can exist. Whenever you feel limited in any sphere of your life, be it personal or corporate, there is something, a context or framework that you can’t see, that is holding you back.
So our training methodology enables you to
- Uncover and examine the blind spots or context holding you back from achieving the desired level of success.
- Find out where your current context originated and address it for what it really is.
Having completed these two steps, a new realm of possibility is available to you. The constraints from the past disappear. Your view of life, your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions, change – and the change is immediate, dramatic, and without effort. It is a breakthrough. Now is your time to break through…master what it is you want…and change your life.
We focus on individualized training
strategies, more coaching than teaching.
The custom-tailored, coaching process is positive and focused on identifying your strengths. It is a very supportive process that will help you to set realistic goals, seek relevant feedback and new ways of tackling different situations.